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The Halo Fellowship Awards Program & Application

Making a living as an artist can be challenging at times. 

Securing a fellowship award can provide the stability and resources you need to be your most creative self. 

The Halo Fellowship Award provides $5000 to qualified Visual Artists.

The gift is intended to be used towards enriching your creative process. 

WHO can apply: Visual Artists painting in any medium, multimedia, photography, drawing, printmaking, sculpture, crafts, architecture, ceramics, filmmaking & design. Applicants must show artworks and reside within the state of Florida.

DEADLINE:  December 31st each year. 

SPECIAL NOTES: Awards will be based on artists merit;  originality, innovation, social/community impact, contributions to cultural heritage, high professional level, merit of the recommendation, career committed/artistic excellence, communication to a social concern, and financial need for further development of career advancement, and community or academic pursuits.

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    You will receive a confirmation email when we receive your application.