This Call is Open to All Visual Artists
Obstruction, Reduction, Construction
— three words with great significance in today’s society. We are living in a world where connections seem to fade, and understanding each other becomes a challenge. It’s time to break free from the conceptual limitations holding back our creativity. Let’s push boundaries and explore new forms, embracing artistic freedom like never before.
speaks to the shrinking spaces between us, the loss of meaningful communication. It’s time to listen, to truly listen, and to build bridges that unite rather than divide. Complexity can be beautiful, and through refining our ways of expression, we can find a more powerful voice.
is about overcoming obstacles, about facing our fears and doubts head-on. It’s a call to restructure our artistic paths, to create something authentic and impactful. Let’s build something together that inspires, challenges, and ultimately connects us all.
All artists are welcomed to join this artistic journey of exploration, introspection, and creation. Let’s break down walls, open our minds, and build a brighter, more unified artistic community.
Are you ready to joins us on this artistic adventure?
To participate fill out the information form below.
All donated paintings along with your bio will be featured at the “Angels for Artists” Online Art Auction.
Sign the front of your canvas and legibly print your name AND TITLE on the back.
One artist will be rewarded $1,700 for the highest selling artwork.
Space is limited for this opportunity to get some great exposure and to help fund Halo Fellowship Awards for Visual Artists.
Artists Participating in Angels for Artists 2024
Philomena Marano
Ellen Kantro
Anita Wexler
Janice Newman
Robin Fredey
Caroline Ampuero
Jerome Chesley
Adrienne Watts
Valencia Thomas
Leslie Butterfield
Grace Howl
Nancy Hielscher
Goldie Milgram
Diane Wallace
Bibzie Priori
Suzette Jones
Lisa DiFranza
Karen Stevens Brazell
Jonathan Herbert
W.S. Cranmore
Claudia Ryan
Debra KealKahn
Amy Row
Daniel Houston
Meg Pierce
Andrew Vickers
Janet Mishner
Karen Johnson
Kathy Houghton
Anneke Long
Meg Krakowiak
Lina Rincon
Geoff Gurock
Lisa Craven
Drita Dawn
Sam Wuerfel
Clifford McDonald
Diana de Avila
Densie Flynn
Francine Vitiello
Maryse Lortscher
Linda Sanders
Dan Wilkerson
Rylee Reed
Junrey Lee
Gary W. Morgan
Lee Oberlander
Mark Lewis
Melinda P. Gordan
Christine Hales
Steven Guthrie
Karen Hesse
Stephen Balut
Michelle Ryan
Mara Torres Gonzalez
Patric Jones
Midge Johnson
Peter Lindemann
Jenny Weidenaar
Craig Thomas Marks
Melissa Libutti
Joan L. Davidson
Jana Millstone
Sheila Golden
Catherine Armbruster of Authentic Bleu
Beck Lane
Jackie Cutrone
Joan Libby Hawk
Gary LaParl
Lori Childers
Sandra Wix
Craig Palmer
Greg Pennenga
NOTE: YOU MUST CHECK THE BOX NEXT TO “I consent to the terms & conditions” above the “Submit” button for the form to be submitted.
You will receive a confirmation email when we receive your form.