Leslie Butterfield holds several art-related degrees including one specialized in fiber arts from Aarhus Art Academy in Denmark and a masters and PhD in Design and Art History from the University of Minnesota. During her diverse careers, she made a living as an artist, founded a software company, worked for many years in technology and retired in 2015 to Sarasota to spend more time with art. Today, Leslie is a practicing artist and an active member of many arts organizations. She completed a six-year term on the Public Art Committee for the City of Sarasota and three years on the tourist development grants panel for the arts in Sarasota County. She is a co-founder of Art in Common Places, a public-art-oriented non-profit in Sarasota and recipient of a Halo Arts Fellowship. Leslie enjoys connecting and helping people, she is passionate about the arts and grateful to be part of the Halo Arts Project.
Leslie Buttefield, PhD
Chief Program Officer